Multimetre digitale, Bluetooth 4.0 adaptor UNI-T (UT71, UT171, UT181) Bluetooth_4.0_UT71_UT171_UT181 -1,

      Bluetooth 4.0 adaptor UNI-T (UT71, UT171, UT181) Bluetooth_4.0_UT71_UT171_UT181

      Multimetre digitale, Bluetooth 4.0 adaptor UNI-T (UT71, UT171, UT181) Bluetooth_4.0_UT71_UT171_UT181 -1,

      Bluetooth 4.0 adaptor UNI-T (UT71, UT171, UT181) Bluetooth_4.0_UT71_UT171_UT181

      100,01 lei
      TVA Inclus
      Politica de returnare 14 zile
      Se expediaza in aceeasi zi
      Stoc Dioda. Se expediaza in 4-5 ore lucratoare

      Bluetooth 4.0 adaptor UNI-T (UT71, UT171, UT181)

      Grabeste-te ! Doar : 1 Bucati Ramasebucati
      • Livrare prin curierLivrare prin curier1-2 zile lucratoare pentru produsele in stoc.
      • Retur in 14 zileRetur in 14 zile(pentru persoane fizice)
      • Garantie 24 LuniGarantie 24 Luni(persoane fizice sau 12 luni persoane juridice)

      Credit module tbi bank 3.4.2

      35.08 Lei x 4 rate

      Bluetooth 4.0 adaptor UNI-T (UT71, UT171, UT181)
      Bluetooth 4.0 adaptor UNI-T

      Compatible with UNI-T UT71, UT171, UT181

      iPhone support, you have to download iDMM app.

      Support iOS 5.0 and higher
      Support Android 4.3 and higher.

      1 Obiect

      Referinte specifice

      Rated 5.00 on the scale 1 - 5 based on 1 customer reviews
      Verified purchase


      Functioneaza bine cu adroid 6 sau 5.

      S-ar putea sa-ti placa
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