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cnc components stepper motors drivers



156 produse


CNC - Vezi 156 produse

Rulmenti, Set 10 bucati Rulment 607-2RS d-7 mm, D-19 mm, B-6 mm -4, dioda.roRulmenti, Set 10 bucati Rulment 607-2RS d-7 mm, D-19 mm, B-6 mm -4,
    • Pachet
    Set 10 bucati Rulment 607-2RS d-7 mm, D-19 mm, B-6 mm
    33,32 leiPret
    Mixed items
    Rulmenti, Set 10 bucati Rulment 607-2RS d-7 mm, D-19 mm, B-6 mm -4, dioda.roRulmenti, Set 10 bucati Rulment 607-2RS d-7 mm, D-19 mm, B-6 mm -4,
      • Pachet
      Set 10 bucati Rulment 607-2RS d-7 mm, D-19 mm, B-6 mm
      Mixed items
      33,32 leiPret
      Rulmenti, set 10 bucati Rulment 623-2Z d-3 mm, D-10 mm, B-4 mm -4, dioda.roRulmenti, set 10 bucati Rulment 623-2Z d-3 mm, D-10 mm, B-4 mm -4,
        • Pachet
        set 10 bucati Rulment 623-2Z d-3 mm, D-10 mm, B-4 mm
        29,93 leiPret
        Mixed items
        Rulmenti, set 10 bucati Rulment 623-2Z d-3 mm, D-10 mm, B-4 mm -4, dioda.roRulmenti, set 10 bucati Rulment 623-2Z d-3 mm, D-10 mm, B-4 mm -4,
          • Pachet
          set 10 bucati Rulment 623-2Z d-3 mm, D-10 mm, B-4 mm
          Mixed items
          29,93 leiPret
          Rulmenti, Set 10 bucati Rulment 625-2Z d-5 mm, D-16 mm, B-5 mm -2, dioda.roRulmenti, Set 10 bucati Rulment 625-2Z d-5 mm, D-16 mm, B-5 mm -2,
            • Pachet
            Set 10 bucati Rulment 625-2Z d-5 mm, D-16 mm, B-5 mm
            33,32 leiPret
            Mixed items
            Rulmenti, Set 10 bucati Rulment 625-2Z d-5 mm, D-16 mm, B-5 mm -2, dioda.roRulmenti, Set 10 bucati Rulment 625-2Z d-5 mm, D-16 mm, B-5 mm -2,
              • Pachet
              Set 10 bucati Rulment 625-2Z d-5 mm, D-16 mm, B-5 mm
              Mixed items
              33,32 leiPret
              Rulmenti, Set 10 bucati Rulment 607-2RS d-7 mm, D-19 mm, B-6 mm -2, dioda.roRulmenti, Set 10 bucati Rulment 607-2RS d-7 mm, D-19 mm, B-6 mm -2,
                  Set 10 bucati Rulment 607-2RS d-7 mm, D-19 mm, B-6 mm
                  27,37 leiPret
                  In stoc 177 bucati disponibile
                  Rulmenti, Set 10 bucati Rulment 607-2RS d-7 mm, D-19 mm, B-6 mm -2, dioda.roRulmenti, Set 10 bucati Rulment 607-2RS d-7 mm, D-19 mm, B-6 mm -2,
                      Set 10 bucati Rulment 607-2RS d-7 mm, D-19 mm, B-6 mm
                      In stoc 177 bucati disponibile
                      27,37 leiPret
                      Drivere, Driver Profesional 50V 4.2A M542 -1, dioda.roDriver Profesional 50V 4.2A M542
                          Drivere, Driver Profesional 50V 4.2A M542 -1, dioda.roDrivere, Driver Profesional 50V 4.2A M542 -1,
                              Driverul IM542 este o solutie eficienta si economica, de inalta performanga pentru comanda motoarelor pas cu pas bi-polarein mod  micro-stepping, generand un curent de control de tip pur-sinusoidal. Este foarte potrivit pentru aplicatii unde este necesar un zgomot foarte redus si incalzire minima. Functioneaza foarte bine si in medii unde sursa de alimentare nu este constanta sau are riplu.
                              223,11 leiPret
                              In stoc 25 bucati disponibile
                              Drivere, Driver Profesional 50V 4.2A M542 -1, dioda.roDrivere, Driver Profesional 50V 4.2A M542 -1,
                                  Driverul IM542 este o solutie eficienta si economica, de inalta performanga pentru comanda motoarelor pas cu pas bi-polarein mod  micro-stepping, generand un curent de control de tip pur-sinusoidal. Este foarte potrivit pentru aplicatii unde este necesar un zgomot foarte redus si incalzire minima. Functioneaza foarte bine si in medii unde sursa de alimentare nu este constanta sau are riplu.
                                  In stoc 25 bucati disponibile
                                  223,11 leiPret
                                  Accesorii, Adaptor D-Sub 25pin mufă, din ambele părţi GCM-25M25M -2,
                                      Adaptor; D-Sub 25pin mufă, din ambele părţi
                                      11,32 leiPret
                                      In stoc 14 bucati disponibile
                                      Accesorii, Adaptor D-Sub 25pin mufă, din ambele părţi GCM-25M25M -2,
                                          Adaptor; D-Sub 25pin mufă, din ambele părţi
                                          In stoc 14 bucati disponibile
                                          11,32 leiPret
                                          Driver Motor, Motor: pas cu pas 5VDC Ax: crestătură D Dim: 28x19mm 35g -2,
                                              Motor: pas cu pas; 5VDC; Ax: crestătură D; Dim: 28x19mm; 35g
                                              8,98 leiPret
                                              In stoc 12 bucati disponibile
                                              Driver Motor, Motor: pas cu pas 5VDC Ax: crestătură D Dim: 28x19mm 35g -2,
                                                  Motor: pas cu pas; 5VDC; Ax: crestătură D; Dim: 28x19mm; 35g
                                                  In stoc 12 bucati disponibile
                                                  8,98 leiPret
                                                  Drivere, UCSB single port breakout board + 1xIDC26-IDC26_250mm -1, dioda.roDrivere, UCSB single port breakout board + 1xIDC26-IDC26_250mm -1,
                                                      UCSB single port breakout board + 1xIDC26-IDC26_250mm
                                                      327,25 leiPret
                                                      Grabeste-te ! Doar : 7 Bucati Ramasebucati
                                                      Drivere, UCSB single port breakout board + 1xIDC26-IDC26_250mm -1, dioda.roDrivere, UCSB single port breakout board + 1xIDC26-IDC26_250mm -1,
                                                          UCSB single port breakout board + 1xIDC26-IDC26_250mm
                                                          Grabeste-te ! Doar : 7 Bucati Ramasebucati
                                                          327,25 leiPret
                                                          Drivere, UCBB dual port breakout board + 2xIDC26-IDC26_250mm -2, dioda.roDrivere, UCBB dual port breakout board + 2xIDC26-IDC26_250mm -2,
                                                              UCBB dual port breakout board + 2xIDC26-IDC26_250mm
                                                              499,80 leiPret
                                                              Grabeste-te ! Doar : 7 Bucati Ramasebucati
                                                              Drivere, UCBB dual port breakout board + 2xIDC26-IDC26_250mm -2, dioda.roDrivere, UCBB dual port breakout board + 2xIDC26-IDC26_250mm -2,
                                                                  UCBB dual port breakout board + 2xIDC26-IDC26_250mm
                                                                  Grabeste-te ! Doar : 7 Bucati Ramasebucati
                                                                  499,80 leiPret
                                                                  Drivere, UC300ETH-5LPT ethernet motion controller -1,
                                                                      UC300ETH-5LPT ethernet motion controller
                                                                      904,40 leiPret
                                                                      Grabeste-te ! Doar : 7 Bucati Ramasebucati
                                                                      Drivere, UC300ETH-5LPT ethernet motion controller -1,
                                                                          UC300ETH-5LPT ethernet motion controller
                                                                          Grabeste-te ! Doar : 7 Bucati Ramasebucati
                                                                          904,40 leiPret
                                                                          Driver Motor, Motor: pas cu pas 5VDC Kit: controler,motor DC IC: ULN2803 -2,
                                                                              Motor: pas cu pas; 5VDC; Kit: controler,motor DC; IC: ULN2803
                                                                              13,69 leiPret
                                                                              Grabeste-te ! Doar : 7 Bucati Ramasebucati
                                                                              Driver Motor, Motor: pas cu pas 5VDC Kit: controler,motor DC IC: ULN2803 -2,
                                                                                  Motor: pas cu pas; 5VDC; Kit: controler,motor DC; IC: ULN2803
                                                                                  Grabeste-te ! Doar : 7 Bucati Ramasebucati
                                                                                  13,69 leiPret
                                                                                  Drivere, UC400ETH ethernet motion controller -1,
                                                                                      Drivere, UC400ETH ethernet motion controller -1,
                                                                                          UC400ETH ethernet motion controller
                                                                                          791,35 leiPret
                                                                                          Grabeste-te ! Doar : 6 Bucati Ramasebucati
                                                                                          Drivere, UC400ETH ethernet motion controller -1,
                                                                                              UC400ETH ethernet motion controller
                                                                                              Grabeste-te ! Doar : 6 Bucati Ramasebucati
                                                                                              791,35 leiPret
                                                                                                  Drivere, PRG01 USB programming stick -1,
                                                                                                      Drivere, PRG01 USB programming stick -1,
                                                                                                          Used  to connect the servo drives to the PC USB port for configuration and diagnosis of the servo drives
                                                                                                          113,05 leiPret
                                                                                                          Grabeste-te ! Doar : 5 Bucati Ramasebucati
                                                                                                          Drivere, PRG01 USB programming stick -1,
                                                                                                              Used  to connect the servo drives to the PC USB port for configuration and diagnosis of the servo drives
                                                                                                              Grabeste-te ! Doar : 5 Bucati Ramasebucati
                                                                                                              113,05 leiPret
                                                                                                              Lant Portcablu, Capete prindere lant portcablu AN20025K -1, dioda.roLant Portcablu, Capete prindere lant portcablu AN20025K -1,
                                                                                                                  Capete prindere lant portcablu
                                                                                                                  22,58 leiPret
                                                                                                                  Grabeste-te ! Doar : 4 Bucati Ramasebucati
                                                                                                                  Lant Portcablu, Capete prindere lant portcablu AN20025K -1, dioda.roLant Portcablu, Capete prindere lant portcablu AN20025K -1,
                                                                                                                      Capete prindere lant portcablu
                                                                                                                      Grabeste-te ! Doar : 4 Bucati Ramasebucati
                                                                                                                      22,58 leiPret
                                                                                                                      CNC Components
                                                                                                                      CNC Components
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